Category Archives: Acquisitions

It’s All About Content “Leakage”: Analysis of the UC Elsevier Deal

Roger Schonfeld once again provides an excellent analysis, this time on the drivers of recent Elsevier deals: …California, through its cancellation, has nevertheless maintained its position unambiguously. It does not need ongoing journal subscriptions through ScienceDirect. Put another way: A major … Continue reading

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bepress Continued: Closing the Gates on Open?

Gavia Libraria continues the discussion of the bepress acquisition, highlighting why it strikes the hearts of its original supporters and possible future scenarios, including simply letting the platform “languish undeveloped.” Keep up with daily development’s via Schonfeld’s Twitter feed, @rschon.

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Buying Up the “Research Showcase”? Schonfeld on Elsevier+bepress

Yesterday, Roger Schonfeld’s article in The Scholarly Kitchen about Elsevier’s acquisition of bepress quickly made the rounds, appearing almost immediately on STS-L with a listserv participants’ comment: “Breaking news … I’m not sure how I feel about this.” After reading … Continue reading

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